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Company Dissolution
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Companies House Filing Centre
Strike Off and Dissolve Company – Filing Approval
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Company Name
Directors Name
Directors Email
Please provide consent and allow the responsibilities of the Company Director to be fulfilled on your behalf
I provide consent
Important notice for all interested parties. The company has applied to be struck off and dissolved. The registrar will proceed unless there is a reasonable cause not to, and on dissolution any assets remaining in the company will be passed to the Crown. If in doubt, seek professional advice.
Clear Signature
Declaration of directors I/We as directors / the majority of directors apply for this company to be struck off the Register and declare that none of the circumstances described in section 1004 of the Companies Act 2006 or section 1005 of the Companies Act 2006 (being circumstances in which the directors would otherwise be prohibited under those sections.)
Additional Information
Filing Fee
£ 24.00
Please note that the filing fee includes all charges issued by the registrar and costs to process the strike off and dissolution of the company.
Payment Details
Name on Card
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